Specialty Financing
Not all businesses are created the same, and for emerging industries and corporations, or industries seeking acquisition as a growth strategy, custom financing solutions become part of your business plan.
Don’t settle for predetermined lending packages. Get the customized funding you need to grow and thrive.
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1 (408) 451-3993
Customize Your Financial Picture with Specialty Financing
Some deals are bigger than one loan or even one lender. Take as examples, windmill farm manufacture, infrastructure projects, satellite development and launch, and shipping vessel manufacturing. The cost of production and installation often requires a team approach and a network of financiers.
- We diversify your deal with multiple extensive sources within Nexus
- Friendly requirements of structuring your finance
- You focus on your contract, and we get you financed.
Because of our profound finance structuring know-how in the lending and banking industry, we can connect projects with financiers, construct complex financial instruments and provide you the funding required to literally “get imaginative projects off the ground.” These emerging opportunities reduce reliance on equity funding and provide an opportunity for greater long-term return on investment for the niche investors who develop the project and scope.
Financing Options
Exploration Financing
From outposts on the moon to accessing the depths of the ocean, exploration financing helps you develop the future resources not yet discovered.
Energy and Sustainability
Energy demands for a data driven economy continue to expand. Fund production expansion, efficiency and new technology with comprehensive financing.
Complex financing
Innovative projects can be so large they won’t net returns within the time a traditional loan expects. In that case, tap into a network of financiers in it for the long haul.
Advantages of Specialty Financing
- Go beyond the conventional and expected returns.
- Fund industry changing innovation.
- Partner with lenders that believe in your future state.
- Create financials to your exacting specifications.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is Specialty Financing not a good fit?
When is specialty financing right for my business?
Businesses in new, high value or long lead production industries may be ideal candidates for custom financing. Based on your business plan we will identify your financing options.
How do I secure custom financing?
The best way to secure custom financing solutions is to work with Nexus Finance. Because of our experience and depth in the industry we can structure a package for almost any unique business circumstance.